Advantages of SBP Structural Steel

Here at State Building Products, we believe that quality should always come first when building a home or commercial building. That’s why we only offer top-of-the-line building products, such as:
- Floor Joists
- Steel Channels
- Steel Studs
- Wall Frames
- And More
Suffice it to say, our customers know us for both our quality and our wide range of essential building products. That said, one of our customers’ favorite building components to use is our structural steel framing system. For years, we’ve been providing high quality structural steel framing to clients throughout the Midwest and beyond, and it’s one of our most popular products.
That said, if you’re not familiar with the advantages of using SBP structural steel, then you might be wondering how it can benefit you. That’s why we’re taking this month’s blog post to discuss the advantages of using SBP structural steel.
Structural Steel Vs. Wood Framing
The first question you may be asking yourself is this: “why would I ever choose structural steel over wood framing?”
Well, first, we want to acknowledge that there are circumstances where wood framing truly shines. After all, humans were using wood framing in their construction long before steel was even discovered. Perhaps due to our long history of using wood framing, essentially every builder or contractor will be familiar with it—which can be a great benefit.
That said, steel framing has been on the rise for many years, and is far from uncommon. Here are some benefits that a steel framing system has over wood:
Durability. This one shouldn’t exactly come as a surprise. Steel is renowned for its ability stand strong throughout the years, and it far surpasses wood in durability. If you’re building something to last, then steel is the way to go.
Resistances. Notably, steel has much fewer natural weaknesses than wood. Wooden framing is particularly susceptible to vulnerabilities such as insects, pests, rot, warping, and slanting. Meanwhile, steel is resistant to each of these perils. And, of course, steel is resistant to one of the biggest pitfalls of all: fire.
Strength. In addition to durability and a plethora of resistances, steel is also much stronger than wood. By that, we mean that steel will essentially always outperform wood when it comes to withstanding physical trauma, such as:
- Tornadoes
- Hurricanes
- Earthquakes
- Man-made disasters
Accordingly, insurance companies also look much more favorably on a steel framing system. That means you could find yourself with lower insurance premiums and a more reliable structure.
Get Your SBP Structural Steel Today
Are you ready to embrace the advantages of steel framing for your new construction project? If so, our team at State Building Products is here to help. For more information, click here to contact us today!